Dark voltaik monster legends
Dark voltaik monster legends

Suddenly, his quiet life was too quiet for him, and happiness was gone. He couldn't help thinking about how citizens didn't idolize him as they used to.

dark voltaik monster legends dark voltaik monster legends

Her transformation shook a part of him that he had worked very hard to control in the past. However, everything changed for him after he found out that one of his best friends, Cyan Nathura, had transformed into a new, stronger version of herself, Emerald Nathura. He wasn't working a lot himself, but that was only because he had managed to keep villains under control.

dark voltaik monster legends

Everything was great with his partner Madam Fusion and he got to see his other superhero friends from time to time, even though they didn't work together as much as they used to. VoltaiK had had a very happy and quiet couple of years.

Dark voltaik monster legends